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As an owner, you rely on data in your business to make critical decisions. Over time, data accumulated could be incomplete, inconsistently entered, or simply outdated and useless. We'll share 3 easy ways you can maintain the integrity of your company's data, coming up next.

Maintaining usable data can help improve the productivity, development, and marketing efforts of your company. Here are some simple ways to help to maximize the quality of your data.

Number 1: Customer Relationship Management - By using CRM software, business owners can ensure customer information is stored accurately, and in the same place, no matter which employee is entering the data. By having consistent customer data, you can identify marketing opportunities for future leads.

Number 2: Educate Employees - One of the biggest threats to your data integrity is your employees. Without diligent oversight and constant attention, employees can easily corrupt your data integrity. To reduce this risk, it’s best to properly restrict data, and keep employee access at a minimum.

Number 3: Standardize Data Entry - Inconsistent data can mislead you with invalid analytics, which could impact major business decisions. Create a standard procedure for your organization to follow going forward.  This allows data to be leveraged organization-wide, building towards success.

By following these simple tips you won't have to worry as much about data integrity, so you can keep your business running smoothly. If you have questions on how technology can help your business be more productive, give our team a call. We're happy to help.

TeQ I.Q. Computer Repair

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"TeQ I.Q. was the 1st IT Company to Deliver Cloud Solutions since 2003"
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Do you have Tech Frustrations like your Computer, Internet, Phone, Cellphone, Camera, TV, Car?

"We Take Away Your Tech Frustrations and Give You the Free Time You Deserve!"
Call Robert to ask all your Technology questions.

We are giving a Free in Person TeQ Seminar at our office in La Mesa every Wednesday from 12pm-1pm and a Free TeQ Support Q&A from 1pm-2pm. Go to https://www.teqiq.com/events for our upcoming Events and https://www.teqiq.com/seminars for info on each Seminar.

For Free Consultation Call Now Robert Black at (619) 255-4180 or visit our website https://www.teqiq.com/

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