Computer problems? TeQ I.Q. can help. Every day Computer and Troubleshooters around the globe are helping people like you. Our technicians are the most knowledgeable in the industry and are eager to solve your computer troubles.

Need answers? We won’t call a job complete until the issue is resolved. We’re the World’s #1 network of computer professionals and every Troubleshooter has the support of Computer Troubleshooters around the world. That’s peace of mind. Call us today!

We setup personal professional email for you.
We setup and sell homevoip for you and your family.
We fix you home computers and laptops for you at your house or in our shop or remotely.
we created H.O.S.T. (Home & Office Support Technology) that gives unlimted support for your computers. Based on similar technology to BEST, our inexpensive HOST plans give you peace of mind without breaking your wallet
We sell Laptops offer Laptop repair services.
We offer Backup services for your computers.
Lost your important photos videos or any other important Data we can recover them for you.
Have you bought a new PC and need help learning how to use it? We can help you learn basic PC skills necessary to run your new PC effectively. Or do you need help learning how to run your new cd-rw drive? We can help train you on your new equipment and software.
Give us a call for any other problem or solution you may need!
(619) 255-4180